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I acknowledge that the colour correction services / extension services I have requested could have unintended results, including among possible side effects: greater risk of damage to my hair, an allergic reaction to hair products,

irritation, burning, redness or soreness of the scalp and any other exposed skin. We are not liable for wrecked clothing during colour services or lost jewelry or property not belonging to La Chioma Salon.



I further acknowledge that I am aware that certain medications, over the counter hair dye and various medical conditions can significantly increase the possibility of unfavourable results. I acknowledge that I now understand the risks that may occur from the colour correction services I have requested and that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask my stylist questions about the possible adverse results and risks and conduct further research, and that I have decided to proceed with the requested colour correction services.



I understand that La Chioma Salon holds their own brand of extensions, Sunday Hair Co. I will not hold the stylists or salon liable for any unpredicted situations that may occur with the installation of extensions of another brand. I am also aware that not using the recommended products from La Chioma Salon could alter the aftercare of my hair colour service or hair extensions.



I understand the risk. I agree that I will NOT hold my stylist, the salon or any other person responsible if the results are not intended or if I suffer from an allergic reaction, skin irritation or any other condition.



I understand to contact La Chioma Salon within 1 week of my service if I am dissatisfied. Anytime after 1 week I understand I will be responsible for paying full price for anything that is altered. 



I understand by not showing up to my appointment will result in a $100.00 deposit to re book that appointment. I am aware that I must give 48 hours notice for rescheduling or canceling.  




I hereby release and forever discharge the Salon, its owners, employees and contractors, including my stylist (hereinafter the Releases) of and from all manner of actions, suits, claims, demands or damages of any nature or kind, which I may otherwise have because of unintended or unfavourable results or skin irritation or other medical conditions that may occur from provision of the colour correction services by any of the Releases.



I confirm that I had an opportunity to consider this document and to obtain independent legal advice if I so desire with respect to the details of this Acknowledgment and release and I confirm that I am accepting this Acknowledgment and Release freely, voluntary and without duress and that I understand that it limits legal actions I could otherwise take against the releases








CO N S E N T   R E L E A S E   F O R M

 *Following a consultation and signing of the consent form, there will be absolutely no refunds for services performed*

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